Thursday, October 30, 2008

Synthesis Response

One thing that the video, and the 3 documents had in common was that they both were about the Act of the British Parliament toward the American Colonies, the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act allowed the British Parliament to tax items that were stamped. At this time many goods in America were from England, and the Americans weren't happy that they were being taxed for all of their shipped items. The Americans were already independently governed, and the thought of being ruled by another governing body was just out of the question. The Stamp Act was one of the worst political decisions made in history. My own view is with the American's opinion toward this act. When it comes to this topic, most of us will agree that the British were wrong for attempting to pass this act, but on the other hand the Americans didn't have a say in the matter so the British might have thought that passing this act wouldn't have been all that difficult. Another possibilty could have been that the British thought that since they protected the American colonies, the Americans could give back. In John Adams' quote, he speaks of this act not as a Revolution, but as "an effect and consequence of it." Or in other words, an effect leading toward the American Revolution.

Text Analysis paragraphs

Circular Letter of Boston Committee of Correspondence; May 13, 1774
The countrymen have received a copy of the Act of the British Parliament. The Town of Boston has been treated in an unjust manner. The countrymen want to unite to fight this violation of liberties. This act's main objective is to divide the colonies. The countrymen want to maintain the rights of America and want to fight for their freedom from British control.

Letter from the New York of fifty-one to the Boston Committee of Correspondence; May 23, 1774

The citizens have appointed a large committee of 51 people because of the British parliament. The citizens of New york have taken the vote of the town of Boston under consideration. They condole with Boston and have nothing to add on the matter.They can't explain why though. They want Boston's opinion of British congress.

Declaration of Resolves of the First Continental Congress
British power has claimed the right to bind the people of America by statutes in all classes. The people of several colonies have appointed deputies to meet and sit in general congress in Philadelphia. The inhabitants of the English colonies in North America have resolved their rights in this matter.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Essay #1 Reflection

Revised writing philosophy

My original writing philosophy was about me just doing my best in whatever task I am given. Now I feel that that philosophy lacked detail. I've changed my philosophy more toward following standards and looking for what the teacher wants out of my work. When I write I write for myself, and I write to impress. In my opinion the way I wrote that first assigned Final Draft Essay was very well detailed. I never wrote essays this way. This writing process is new to me but works a lot better toward the proffesionalism of my writing. In a way I'm still following my original philosophy but now I'm expanding that philosophy while including the writing process.

Essay #1 Reflection

The way I wrote this essay was very different from what I'm used to. The writing process is somewhat similar but this process involves more details, such as templates, more quotes, more paragraphs and most importantly, more steps before the final draft. My overall experience was pretty alright. I didn't stress much about how my outline or rough drafts looked and I came up with a decent final draft that I felt was my best work . Once I get my results I'll find out if my for if my best was good enough.

Virginia Resolves Rhetorical Analysis

Who is the writer?
The Virginia House of Burgesses.

Who is the audience?
The Citizens,colinists, and the the House of Commons.

Who do the writers represtent?
The writers represent the positions of the colonists.

What is being said, argued and/or requested?
Recognizing the rights of the Virginia governor and legistature to tax Virginians (Stamp Act). Also the Resolutions made by the House of Burgesses.

How is it being said, argued and/or reguested?
It is being said in a firm manner, seems demanding. Is an informative document.

What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof being given is the idea of making demands without the say of the people.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lengthened Rough Draft

“After the thrilling scenes through which the Colony of Virginia passed during its earliest days, the most portentous, the most dramatic, the most picturesque event of its seventeenth century history was the insurrection known as "Bacon's Rebellion (quote found at" Bacon’s Rebellion was the first revolt in America against the political system. Bacon’s Rebellion was not only the first revolt in America, but also the first revolt that frontiersman and the poor society took part. I’ve noticed that many people assume that Bacon was the complete bad guy through this event. What they don’t notice though is that the Virginians tried to take matters into their own hands, and failed (They say Template).The Rebellion really wouldn’t have happened if the Virginians didn’t support Bacon. He would’ve just been some regular guy who has his negative opinions about the Native race. What I can’t understand though is why they chose Bacon. This man was a stranger to them. He just happened to be their when this issue occurred. So whose fault is it really for Bacon’s Rebellion? Nathaniel Bacon, or the Virginians?

“In January 1667, The Susquehannahs (Natives) had, in a most inhumane maner, murthered no less then 60 innocent people, no ways guilty of any actual injury don on these ill disarming, brutish heathen...(Quote from document #5)." In the 1670’s, these attacks were on the rise in Virginia. As the Natives continued to attack the Virginians, Sir William Berkeley (governor of Virginia) took very little action and failed to defend the Virginians against the Natives. Many Virginians, including unemployed former indentured servants, thought Berkeley stood on the wrong side of this issue. The Virginians wanted Nathaniel Bacon to lead them because they believed that he was on their side. The Virginians wanted to make sure they were safe. They didn’t care how their issue was being handled; they just wanted this problem to be solved. Nathaniel Bacon demanded Berkeley to supply him with a military commission so he could take care of this problem, but Berkeley turned Bacon down because he wanted to establish peace with the native tribes. Since Berkeley’s plan to make peace with the Natives wasn’t working, Nathaniel Bacon went along with what he thought needed to be done even if it was against Berkeley.

Many Virginians, including unemployed former indentured servants, thought Berkeley stood on the wrong side of this issue. What the Virginians thought was important was their safety, not making peace with the Natives. The Virginians wanted Nathaniel Bacon to lead them since he was supposedly on their side for this issue. “When Bacon threatened to act without authorization, Berkeley declared him a rebel. The response was a public wave of support for Bacon, frightening Berkeley enough to trigger him to finally schedule an election for a new House of Burgesses. Bacon was elected, and Berkeley let him take his seat on the Council briefly (Quote from://” After that Bacon went along with his plans. “Bacon quickly left Jamestown rallied a mob, and attacked innocent Occaneechi, Tutelo, and Saponi Indians (Quote from” Then after all that Bacon's forces captured Berkeley’s and then Bacon burned the town.

Bacon’s rebellion started because Native tribes were attacking the Virginians and they weren’t happy that the government didn’t take care of the problem. Since the government wouldn’t protect the Virginians well enough they came to Bacon because he did want to take care of this problem, but not for the reason the Virginians thought why he would want to take out the Natives. The confusing thing is that if Bacon’s Rebellion didn’t happen, the attacks would’ve continued and Jamestown would have been destroyed. But the rebellion did happen and the town was still destroyed. The outcome would’ve have been the same either way: While the Virginians believed that Berkeley was wrong and Bacon was the cure for their problems, in reality, the Virginians should have been more aware of the situation before letting a “stranger” take care of their issues. The guy that they believed would help them burned their town. They wanted Bacon to help them so their town wouldn’t be destroyed, but in the end it was anyway. So in a way, the Virginians got what they deserved. Berkeley was doing what he believed was right for his people but they didn’t want to hear it. So I’m making the blame on the Virginians because they put someone else in charge before noticing who they were putting in charge.

Essay #1 Rough Draft

“In January 1667, The Susquehannahs (Natives) had, in a most inhumane maner, murthered no less then 60 innocent people, no ways guilty of any actual injury don on these ill disarming, brutish heathen... In the 1670’s, these attacks were on the rise in Virginia. As the Natives continued to attack the Virginians, Sir William Berkeley took very little action and failed to defend the Virginians. Nathaniel Bacon demanded Berkeley to supply him with a military commission so he could take care of this problem, but Berkeley turned Bacon down because he wanted to establish peace with the native tribes. Since Berkeley’s plan to make peace with the Natives wasn’t working, Nathaniel Bacon went along with what he thought needed to be done even if it was against Berkeley. While Berkeley believed that Nathaniel bacon was wrong for attacking the natives without permission from the government, in reality, Bacon should have been seen as a hero for being on the right side of this issue.

Many Virginians, including unemployed former indentured servants, thought Berkeley stood on the wrong side of this issue. What the Virginians thought was important was their safety, not making peace with the Natives. The Virginians wanted Nathaniel Bacon to lead them since he was supposedly on their side for this issue. “When Bacon threatened to act without authorization, Berkeley declared him a rebel. The response was a public wave of support for Bacon, frightening Berkeley enough to trigger him to finally schedule an election for a new House of Burgesses. Bacon was elected, and Berkeley let him take his seat on the Council briefly.” After that Bacon went along with his plans. “Bacon quickly left Jamestown rallied a mob, and attacked innocent Occaneechi, Tutelo, and Saponi Indians.” Then after all that Bacon's forces captured Berkeley’s and then Bacon burned the town.

Bacon’s rebellion started because Native tribes were attacking the Virginians. Since the government wouldn’t protect them they came to Bacon because he wanted to take out the Natives. Bacon stopped the Natives attacking the Virginians but the Virginians still died because of Bacon burned Jamestown. The confusing thing is that if Bacon’s Rebellion didn’t happen, the killing of the innocent Virginians would’ve continued and Jamestown would have been destroyed because no one would’ve protected them. But the rebellion did happen and innocent Virginians still died because they came to someone they believed could solve their problem. The outcome would’ve have been the same either way.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Description Response

.Euiano was captured by the white men
.The white men captured many other African Americans and had them all crammed in boats

.Equiano witnessed his people being mistreated and some of the white men mistreated some of their own kind

.Many of the Africans died throughout the journey and were either thrown off the boat or left where they died.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


THESIS: Virginians wanted Nathaniel Bacon to leader them.
I. Why Bacon? – What makes him so special?
1. Virginians saw a leader in Nathaniel Bacon?
a. source - I found this info on
b. explain - William Berkeley failed to take quick action to repel an Indian attack so the they choose Bacon to lead a force against the Indians.
2. Bacon was already on his own agenda
a. source - I found this info on
b. explain – Bacon went to governor Berkeley and demanded a military commission that would authorize him to attack the Susquehannock Indians. “Bacon quickly left Jamestown, rallied a mob, and attacked innocent Occaneechi, Tutelo, and Saponi Indians.” Bacon's forces captured Berkeley’s and then Bacon burned the town. He was going to do whatever it took to solve this problem.
II. Bacon a rebel – Was Bacon the Hero or the villain?
1. Quote from Berkeley
a. Source – I found this info on

b. Explain. Berkeley declared Bacon a rebel. The response was “a public wave of support for Bacon, frightening Berkeley enough to trigger him to finally schedule an election for a new House of Burgesses.” Bacon was elected. According to the people he was a hero, and to the government he was a villain.

1. House of Burgesses
a. Explain - “When Bacon threatened to act without authorization, Berkeley declared him a rebel. The response was a public wave of support for Bacon, frightening Berkeley enough to trigger him to finally schedule an election for a new House of Burgesses. Bacon was elected, and Berkeley let him take his seat on the Council briefly.” “The House of Burgesses, intimidated by the mob, passed legislation demanded by Bacon.”

III. How B.R. relates to today. (How is B.R. relevant to today?)
a. 2008

. (Sources and explain need to be full complete sentences)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Essay 1 thesis and outline

My Question: Why did Virginia land owners ask Bacon to lead them?

Thesis: The Virginians saw a leader in Nathaniel Bacon.

1.a. Why did Virginia land owners ask Bacon to lead them?




b. Sources on which to focus

I. History Book


III.Wiki article

IV. Article from internet

IIV. Article from database

c. Templates

I. Paraphrase (ch. 1)

II. Summary (ch. 2)

III. Quote (ch 3)

2.a. "I say"

I. Analysis

II. I say meaning I think/argue

3.a. Conclusion/ Summary statement

I. How is B.R. relevent to today?

II. Reputable news sources...?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

John Winthrop’s Arbella Sermon, 1630 Quotes

(Quote 1)
“The definition which the scripture gives us of love is this: ‘Love is the bond of perfection.’ [I]t is a bond or ligament. . . . There is no body but consists of parts and that which each part so contiguous to others as thereby they do mutually participate with each other, both in strength and infirmity, in pleasure and pain. . . . Christ and his church make one body. The several parts of this body, considered apart before they were united, were disproportionate and as much disordering as so many contrary qualities or elements, [however, when united], it is become the most perfect and best proportioned body in the world[.]”

. The people that beleive in God are instantly connected him. That connection creates a bond of perfection between the body (people) and the Lord

(Quote 2)
“Whatsoever we did or ought to have done when we lived in England, the same must we do, and more also, where we go.”

. All of the ideas that they had to improve old England will be used in their new way of life in New England. New England will be just like Old England but improved.

(Quote 3)
“Thus stands the cause between God and us. We are entered into covenant with him for this work. We have taken out a commission, the Lord hath given us leave to draw our own articles. We have professed to enterprise these actions . . . . Now if the Lord shall please to hear us, and bring us in peace to the place we desire, then hath he ratified this covenant and sealed our commission, [and] will expect a strict performance of the articles contained in it.”

. I believe this quote is explaining some sort transition between the original English Church way and a new beginning. If the lord has blessed them to move to New England then they must become strongly religious.

(Quote 4)
“[W]hen he shall make us a praise and glory that men shall say of succeeding [colonies], ‘the Lord make it like that of New England.’ For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us[.]”

. They believed God saw their new colony as a role model for other/future colonies to look up to. They are showing how much stronger they have become religiously, and believe that everyone else should follow their way.

JSTOR Searching Experience

I didn't really like it. I could of found the same or more useful info from google or something. It confused me at points but I got through it. At first I was trying to find some document that was about Bacon's Rebellion, the Natives, the government, and had info on Nathaniel Bacon's death. I could only find info those topics one at a time. I tried to save the citations but it didn't work when I put my Username and password in. I should of asked more questions about this process after school but I was worried about other homework. The next time I search I will understand how this works first. That's my next priority when we look back into JSTOR.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"They Say" Bacons Rebellion #2

Bacon’s Rebellion was an event that changed the opinions of many about the Native race and the Virginia government. Nathaniel Bacon wanted permission to raid the Natives because he wanted them out of the way and believed they were a threat to his plans for power. He was turned down by William Berkeley who was a lead member of the government, and Berkeley wanted to keep peace with the Natives. The settlers had problems with the Natives. The settlers wanted the politicians and the colonies leaders to fight the Natives, but they wouldn't fight. The frontiersmen and the settlers felt that the colonial government had let them down. "They were angry, and they weren't the only ones (found on pg#36 "Howard Zinn" document)." "In 1667 these unhappy Virginians found a leader in Nathaniel Bacon (also on pg#36 of Zinn's document)." Bacon accused Berkeley and the government of wrong doing, including not protecting the western farmers from the Indians, and unfair taxes. The common people elected Bacon to be in the colonial government, which was called the House of Burgesses, because "the common people of Virginia felt that he was on their side"(also on pg. #36 of Zinn's document).

There was a lot of oppression towards the lower classes of people in Virginia.“Bacon’s Rebellion brought together groups from the lower classes.” White frontiersmen started the uprising because they were angry about the way the colony was being run. "Then white servants and black slaves joined the rebellion (Zinn document pg.#35)." They were mainly angry because the government set a huge economical gap between the rich and the poor and they wanted to share the wealth of the rich. Bacon was ready to send his armed forces to fight the Indians, outside of government control. Bacon's rebellion was influenced by Nathaniel Bacon's eagerness to wipe out the Natives for the angry Vrginians, for power, and for wealth. This soon alarmed Berekely. "Berkeley called Bacon a rebel and had him captured ( on pg.#36 of Zinn document." As soon as Bacon was released he gathered his militia and raided the Indians anyway. The rebellion was then "under way."

"Bacon gave his reasons for the rebellion in a paper called the Declaration of the People (pg. #38 of Zinn document." It contained the info on the frontiermen's hatred of the Natives and the common people's anger toward the rich. A few months after that, Bacon got very sick and died. "The rebellion didn't last long after that ( pg. #38 of Zinn's document)."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

They Say: Bacon's Rebellion

Bacon’s Rebellion was an event that changed the opinions of many about the Native race. Nathaniel Bacon wanted permission to raid the Natives because he thought they were a threat to his plans to conquer more land. He was turned down by William Berkeley who was a lead member of the government, and Berkeley wanted to keep peace with the Natives. “Bacon accused Berkeley and the government of wrong doing, including not protecting the western farmers from the Indians, and unfair taxes.” Bacon was elected to be a part of the colonial government called the House of Burgesses because "the common people of Virginia felt that he was on their side" on this issue. There was a lot of oppression towards the lower classes of people in Virginia.“Bacon’s Rebellion brought together groups from the lower classes,” including the servants and slaves. Bacon was ready to send his armed forces to fight the Indians, outside of government control. Bacon's rebellion was influenced by Nathaniel Bacon's eagerness to wipe out the Natives for more land and wealth. The lower classes only went along with the rebellion so they could share some of the wealth of the rich.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

(Quote 3) "Political Economy' of the Body"

"In the darkest region of the political field the condemned man represents the symmetrical, inverted figure of the king..."

- The condemned man and the king are both two human beings that happen to be polar oppostites of eachother. They are both two people on different sides of the social ladder. I believe that when the quote states that " the condemed man represents the symmetrical, inverted figure of the king..." it is saying that the condemed man represents the people who are on the opposite side of the king and that the king is just a man like them. He just has a higher position then they do. Even if the condemed man switched places with the king his opinions toward the king would be no different and the king's opinions toward him would also be the same.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

(Quotes 1 & 2)"Political Economy' of the Body"

- To me the quote is referring to our mind set. Our minds control our actions. The quote is saying that we are involved in a political state of mind. In politics we desire power and we do what we can no matter what the consiquence to have power in politics.

- The mind and the body want to dominate. The labor system has become subjected only bacause the thirst for power has become so great. Bodies can work, so the more bodies forced toward labor, the more power.
American Tobacco and European Consumers
By Tre’ Kelly

The English colonies in the Chesapeake prospered by growing “ever-increasing crops of tobacco.” People from the eastern side of the Atlantic bought a lot of this tobacco so they could smoke, chew, sniff, and drink it. The only reason why the tobacco had commercial value was because the Europeans had such a desire for it. King James I. on the other hand disliked tobacco. He believed that smoking wasn’t honorable and acting this way toward tobacco is like imitating the “slavish Indians.” Since so many people used tobacco James decided to “supposedly” use it toward a good cause. “ Clearly, James championed a lost cause.”